cherrypy.process.win32 module

Windows service.

Requires pywin32.

class cherrypy.process.win32.ConsoleCtrlHandler(bus)[source]

Bases: SimplePlugin

A WSPBus plugin for handling Win32 console events (like Ctrl-C).


Handle console control events (like Ctrl-C).


Register handling of the console control events.


Unregister the console control handlers.

class cherrypy.process.win32.PyWebService(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: ServiceFramework

Python Web Service.


Start the service.


Send a command to the service.


Stop the service.

_exe_args_ = None
_exe_name_ = 'pywebsvc'
_svc_deps_ = None
_svc_description_ = 'Python Web Service'
_svc_display_name_ = 'Python Web Service'
_svc_name_ = 'Python Web Service'
class cherrypy.process.win32.Win32Bus[source]

Bases: Bus

A Web Site Process Bus implementation for Win32.

Instead of time.sleep, this bus blocks using native win32event objects.


Return a win32event for the given state (creating it if needed).

property state

The bus state.

wait(state, interval=0.1, channel=None)[source]

Wait for the given state(s), KeyboardInterrupt or SystemExit.

Since this class uses native win32event objects, the interval argument is ignored.

class cherrypy.process.win32._ControlCodes[source]

Bases: dict

Control codes used to “signal” a service via ControlService.

User-defined control codes are in the range 128-255. We generally use the standard Python value for the Linux signal and add 128. Example:

>>> signal.SIGUSR1
control_codes['graceful'] = 128 + 10

For the given value, return its corresponding key.

cherrypy.process.win32.signal_child(service, command)[source]

Send a control command to a service.