Source code for cherrypy._cpmodpy

"""Native adapter for serving CherryPy via mod_python.

Basic usage:

# Application in a module called

import cherrypy

class Root:
    def index(self):
        return 'Hi there, Ho there, Hey there'

# We will use this method from the mod_python configuration
# as the entry point to our application
def setup_server():
    cherrypy.config.update({'environment': 'production',
                            'log.screen': False,
                            'show_tracebacks': False})

# mod_python settings for apache2
# This should reside in your httpd.conf
# or a file that will be loaded at
# apache startup

# Start
DocumentRoot "/"
Listen 8080
LoadModule python_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/

<Location "/">
    PythonPath "sys.path+['/path/to/my/application']"
    SetHandler python-program
    PythonHandler cherrypy._cpmodpy::handler
    PythonOption cherrypy.setup myapp::setup_server
    PythonDebug On
# End

The actual path to your is dependent on your
environment. In this case we suppose a global mod_python
installation on a Linux distribution such as Ubuntu.

We do set the PythonPath configuration setting so that
your application can be found by from the user running
the apache2 instance. Of course if your application
resides in the global site-package this won't be needed.

Then restart apache2 and access

import io
import logging
import os
import re
import sys

from more_itertools import always_iterable

import cherrypy
from cherrypy._cperror import format_exc, bare_error
from cherrypy.lib import httputil

# ------------------------------ Request-handling

[docs] def setup(req): """Execute pre-initialization functions.""" from mod_python import apache # Run any setup functions defined by a "PythonOption cherrypy.setup" # directive. options = req.get_options() if 'cherrypy.setup' in options: for function in options['cherrypy.setup'].split(): atoms = function.split('::', 1) if len(atoms) == 1: mod = __import__(atoms[0], globals(), locals()) else: modname, fname = atoms mod = __import__(modname, globals(), locals(), [fname]) func = getattr(mod, fname) func() cherrypy.config.update({'log.screen': False, 'tools.ignore_headers.on': True, 'tools.ignore_headers.headers': ['Range'], }) engine = cherrypy.engine if hasattr(engine, 'signal_handler'): engine.signal_handler.unsubscribe() if hasattr(engine, 'console_control_handler'): engine.console_control_handler.unsubscribe() engine.autoreload.unsubscribe() cherrypy.server.unsubscribe() @engine.subscribe('log') def _log(msg, level): newlevel = apache.APLOG_ERR if logging.DEBUG >= level: newlevel = apache.APLOG_DEBUG elif logging.INFO >= level: newlevel = apache.APLOG_INFO elif logging.WARNING >= level: newlevel = apache.APLOG_WARNING # On Windows, req.server is required or the msg will vanish. See # # Also, "When server is not specified...LogLevel does not apply..." apache.log_error(msg, newlevel, req.server) engine.start() def cherrypy_cleanup(data): engine.exit() try: # apache.register_cleanup wasn't available until 3.1.4. apache.register_cleanup(cherrypy_cleanup) except AttributeError: req.server.register_cleanup(req, cherrypy_cleanup)
[docs] class _ReadOnlyRequest: expose = ('read', 'readline', 'readlines') def __init__(self, req): for method in self.expose: self.__dict__[method] = getattr(req, method)
recursive = False _isSetUp = False
[docs] def handler(req): """Invoke the HTTP handler.""" from mod_python import apache try: global _isSetUp if not _isSetUp: setup(req) _isSetUp = True # Obtain a Request object from CherryPy local = req.connection.local_addr local = httputil.Host( local[0], local[1], req.connection.local_host or '') remote = req.connection.remote_addr remote = httputil.Host( remote[0], remote[1], req.connection.remote_host or '') scheme = req.parsed_uri[0] or 'http' req.get_basic_auth_pw() try: # apache.mpm_query only became available in mod_python 3.1 q = apache.mpm_query threaded = q(apache.AP_MPMQ_IS_THREADED) forked = q(apache.AP_MPMQ_IS_FORKED) except AttributeError: bad_value = ("You must provide a PythonOption '%s', " "either 'on' or 'off', when running a version " 'of mod_python < 3.1') options = req.get_options() threaded = options.get('multithread', '').lower() if threaded == 'on': threaded = True elif threaded == 'off': threaded = False else: raise ValueError(bad_value % 'multithread') forked = options.get('multiprocess', '').lower() if forked == 'on': forked = True elif forked == 'off': forked = False else: raise ValueError(bad_value % 'multiprocess') sn = cherrypy.tree.script_name(req.uri or '/') if sn is None: send_response(req, '404 Not Found', [], '') else: app = cherrypy.tree.apps[sn] method = req.method path = req.uri qs = req.args or '' reqproto = req.protocol headers = list(req.headers_in.copy().items()) rfile = _ReadOnlyRequest(req) prev = None try: redirections = [] while True: request, response = app.get_serving(local, remote, scheme, 'HTTP/1.1') request.login = req.user request.multithread = bool(threaded) request.multiprocess = bool(forked) = app request.prev = prev # Run the CherryPy Request object and obtain the response try:, path, qs, reqproto, headers, rfile) break except cherrypy.InternalRedirect: ir = sys.exc_info()[1] app.release_serving() prev = request if not recursive: if ir.path in redirections: raise RuntimeError( 'InternalRedirector visited the same URL ' 'twice: %r' % ir.path) else: # Add the *previous* path_info + qs to # redirections. if qs: qs = '?' + qs redirections.append(sn + path + qs) # Munge environment and try again. method = 'GET' path = ir.path qs = ir.query_string rfile = io.BytesIO() send_response( req, response.output_status, response.header_list, response.body, finally: app.release_serving() except Exception: tb = format_exc() cherrypy.log(tb, 'MOD_PYTHON', severity=logging.ERROR) s, h, b = bare_error() send_response(req, s, h, b) return apache.OK
[docs] def send_response(req, status, headers, body, stream=False): """Send the HTTP response to the client.""" # Set response status req.status = int(status[:3]) # Set response headers req.content_type = 'text/plain' for header, value in headers: if header.lower() == 'content-type': req.content_type = value continue req.headers_out.add(header, value) if stream: # Flush now so the status and headers are sent immediately. req.flush() # Set response body for seg in always_iterable(body): req.write(seg)
# --------------- Startup tools for CherryPy + mod_python --------------- # try: import subprocess def popen(fullcmd): """Invoke a subprocess via :mod:`subprocess`.""" p = subprocess.Popen(fullcmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True) return p.stdout except ImportError:
[docs] def popen(fullcmd): """Invoke a subprocess via :mod:`os`.""" pipein, pipeout = os.popen4(fullcmd) return pipeout
[docs] def read_process(cmd, args=''): """Return a subprocess standard output.""" fullcmd = '%s %s' % (cmd, args) pipeout = popen(fullcmd) try: firstline = pipeout.readline() cmd_not_found = b'(not recognized|No such file|not found)', firstline, re.IGNORECASE ) if cmd_not_found: raise IOError('%s must be on your system path.' % cmd) output = firstline + finally: pipeout.close() return output
[docs] class ModPythonServer(object): """A server wrapper for ``mod_python``.""" template = """ # Apache2 server configuration file for running CherryPy with mod_python. DocumentRoot "/" Listen %(port)s LoadModule python_module modules/ <Location %(loc)s> SetHandler python-program PythonHandler %(handler)s PythonDebug On %(opts)s </Location> """ def __init__(self, loc='/', port=80, opts=None, apache_path='apache', handler='cherrypy._cpmodpy::handler'): """Initialize a ``mod_python`` server.""" self.loc = loc self.port = port self.opts = opts self.apache_path = apache_path self.handler = handler
[docs] def start(self): """Start an Apache2/httpd server.""" opts = ''.join([' PythonOption %s %s\n' % (k, v) for k, v in self.opts]) conf_data = self.template % {'port': self.port, 'loc': self.loc, 'opts': opts, 'handler': self.handler, } mpconf = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'cpmodpy.conf') with open(mpconf, 'wb') as f: f.write(conf_data) response = read_process(self.apache_path, '-k start -f %s' % mpconf) self.ready = True return response
[docs] def stop(self): """Stop an Apache2/httpd server.""" os.popen('apache -k stop') self.ready = False